
Dear Readers, dear Busi­ness Asso­ciates, There are very few com­pa­nies, espe­cially in the high-tech sector, that would not claim to have their finger on the pulse of the market, and to con­tin­u­ously offer their cus­tomers opti­mized, new, and above all “inno­v­a­tive” prod­ucts. But what is merely new, and what is fun­da­men­tally novel with the pioneering […]

Dear Readers,
dear Busi­ness Associates,

There are very few com­pa­nies, espe­cially in the high-tech sector, that would not claim to have their finger on the pulse of the market, and to con­tin­u­ously offer their cus­tomers opti­mized, new, and above all “inno­v­a­tive” prod­ucts. But what is merely new, and what is fun­da­men­tally novel with the pio­neering force of a true innovation?

Inno­va­tion is an impor­tant part of our lead­er­ship cul­ture and cor­po­rate strategy 2020, which is why we high­light the sub­ject in this issue of “HARRO” mag­a­zine. Of course, by now Harro Höfliger has anchored inno­va­tion into the orga­ni­za­tion and estab­lished a man­age­ment system that iden­ti­fies ideas that have poten­tial, sys­tem­at­i­cally and effi­ciently guiding the devel­op­ment processes. We are already known for the fact that together with our cus­tomers we create new value-added prod­ucts to meet their require­ments. In keeping with our three core values: “Inven­tive. Qual­i­fied. Reli­able”, we are resourceful, depend­able and deliver top quality. That is why we want to con­sis­tently pursue ideas that have the poten­tial to be gen­uinely inno­v­a­tive and eco­nom­i­cally suc­cessful. For instance, our uni­versal XTray design for the delivery of sur­gical suture mate­rial is a very unique concept.

We intend to main­tain our cre­ative cul­ture in spite of having grown to a sub­stan­tial com­pany, with approx­i­mately 1,100 employees. That is why we struc­ture our depart­ments in smaller teams, and give them the freedom and space to act as agile as a start-up firm. This approach results in unique machines and systems.

Peter Claußnitzer,
CTO at Harro Höfliger

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Photo: Tom Philippi