Even more diverse

Addi­tions to the port­folio of the Excel­lence United part­ners: Besides Harro Höfliger’s Modu‑C HS, cap­sule man­u­fac­turers can now also ben­efit from the FEC40 by Fette Compacting.

Since first being patented in 1846, the two-part hard cap­sule has had a stellar career. Among the most common dosage admin­is­tra­tion forms, it now ranks second after the tablet and demand is growing steadily. For filling of cap­sules with med­ica­tion, espe­cially with inhalants, Harro Höfliger has con­tin­u­ously expanded its machine pro­gram for more than 30 years. Today, the Modu‑C, with three out-put levels, low-speed, mid-speed and high-speed, enables cap­sule pro­duc­tion with a mul­ti­tude of fill mate­rials and com­bi­na­tions. In addi­tion to tech­nolo­gies for research and devel­op­ment, Harro Höfliger also offers cus­tomized solu­tions, spe­cial appli­ca­tions, and all com­po­nents for com­plete turnkey sys­tems in the high-tech market.

„The FEC40 is a good example for the pos­i­tive impulses that Excel­lence United can con­tribute towards product devel­op­ment in the future.“ Olaf J. Müller, CEO LMT Group Divi­sion Pres­i­dent Fette Compacting

Fette Com­pacting FEC40

  • Output: High-per­for­mance sector,
    400,000 capsules/h
  • Main mar­kets: Phar­ma­ceu­tical market, dietary sup­ple­ment sector
  • Fill mate­rial: Powder, pellets
  • Dosing method: Tamping pin, pellet station
  • Cleaning / Changeover: Dosing sta­tions are com­pletely inter­change­able; tamping pin sta­tion is removed by means of dis­as­sembly sup­port without drives
  • Oper­ator pro­tec­tion: none
Harro Höfliger Modu‑C Family

  • Output: „From Lab to Pro­duc­tion“ 8,000 up to 200,000 capsules/h Spe­cial appli­ca­tions Cus­tomized solutions
  • Main mar­kets: Phar­ma­ceu­tical market including inhalation
  • Fill mate­rial: Powder, pel­lets, tablets, micro tablets, liq­uids and com­bi­na­tions thereof
  • Dosing method: Tamping pin, pellet sta­tion, drum filler, dosator, liquid station
  • Cleaning / Changeover: Flex­ible change trolley with up to 4 filling units
  • Oper­ator pro­tec­tion: Con­tain­ment, dry cleaning

Last year, the product port­folio of the Excel­lence United part­ners was expanded once more. With their new cap­sule filling machine for large vol­umes, Fette Com­pacting, the market leader for tablet presses, now covers the high-capacity phar­ma­ceu­tical market and the booming dietary sup­ple­ment sector. The FEC40 fills up to 400,000 cap­sules per hour with powder or pel­lets. During their col­lab­o­ra­tion in the devel­op­ment stage, Harro Höfliger and Fette Com­pacting agreed that, begin­ning with the FEC40, Fette Com­pacting would posi­tion them­selves in the market for stan­dard appli­ca­tions whereas Harro Höfliger would con­tinue to offer solu­tions for spe­cial appli­ca­tions involving extra­or­di­nary engi­neering skills.

„Our cus­tomers ben­efit from our col­lab­o­ra­tion: The FEC40 is proof of the syn­er­gies in all areas and the per­for­mance capa­bility of our alliance.“Thomas Weller, CEO Harro Höfliger

The part­ner­ship con­sti­tutes a solid basis. When devel­oping the core tech­nolo­gies such as powder and pellet dosing, Fette Com­pacting was able to ben­efit from Harro Höfliger’s transfer of knowl­edge. Fur­ther­more, the close coop­er­a­tion among the Excel­lence United part­ners ensures the com­pat­i­bility of indi­vidual com­po­nents. For example, Harro Höfliger’s weighing machine Accura‑C can be seam­lessly inte­grated into the pro­duc­tion line to com­ple­ment an effi­cient high­speed cap­sule production.

About Fette Compacting

Fette Com­pacting is the world’s leading provider of inte­grated solu­tions for indus­trial tablet production.

Since 2016, the product port­folio offered by the tech­no­log­ical and global market leader has been sup­ple­mented to include highly-effi­cient cap­sule filling machines. The com­pany spe­cial­izes in high-per­for­mance machines for the phar­ma­ceu­tical industry. Its range of prod­ucts and ser­vices com­prises tablet presses and cap­sule filling machines, tools and pro­cessing equip­ment, as well as main­te­nance, training and con­sul­ta­tion services.

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Photos: LMT GmbH & Co. KG, Helmar Lünig, Tom Philippi