Def­i­nitely a per­fect team

The devel­op­ment of a tech­ni­cally qual­i­fied Cus­tomer Ser­vice pro­gram is par­tic­u­larly chal­lenging in the spe­cialty and cus­tomized equip­ment industry. Harro Höfliger takes on the task and leaves nothing to chance.

Hein­rich Haven­stein and Jackson Heslop have a very dynamic working rela­tion­ship. They are respec­tively responsi­ble for the Pro­duc­tion and Cus­tomer Ser­vice divi­sions at Harro Höfliger and have the chal­lenge of coor­di­nating an exten­sive variety of cus­tomer requests. Any con­flicts, how­ever, are quickly resolved because they both focus on the same ques­tion: How can we quickly and effi­ciently help our cus­tomer? “When ser­vice sup­port is needed, then we work pro­fes­sion­ally to find the cor­rect solu­tion – and we always find one,” explains Hein­rich Haven­stein, Man­aging Director Pro­duc­tion at Harro Höfliger.

For the last sev­eral decades, the pro­duc­tion team was respon­sible for the instal­la­tion, start up, and ser­vice of the equip­ment world­wide. “Our ­cus­tomers appre­ciate that even years later, the same tech­ni­cian who built the machine was always the one who came to ser­vice the machine. For them, this was a con­stant in the agile phar­ma­ceu­tical world,” says Haven­stein. But with an increase in com­pany size, this model reached its limits. Since 2009, the com­pany has con­tin­u­ously expanded the Cus­tomer Ser­vice area. Today Harro Höfliger employs spe­cially trained ser­vice engi­neers, who are an inte­gral part of the machine projects at an early stage.

“Our world­wide cus­tomers need a ded­i­cated con­tact person who cares about and responds to their con­cerns.“ Jackson Heslop, Director Cus­tomer Service

As part of the 2020 com­pany strategy, it has now been estab­lished as an inde­pen­dent divi­sion, which is growing con­tin­u­ously. “Inde­pen­dent, but not sep­a­rate,” empha­sizes Jackson Heslop, Director Cus­tomer Ser­vice. “Our goal is to expand the needed resources and develop the level of exper­tise nec­es­sary to be able to self-suf­fi­ciently ful­fill more and more of the Cus­tomer Ser­vice projects. At the same time we can always count on the knowl­edge and sup­port from our ­col­leagues in Pro­duc­tion, since they have often been working on the machine project for over a year.” 

Jackson Heslop and Hein­rich Haven­stein rely on a close coop­er­a­tion and a lively exchange of infor­ma­tion and ideas while man­aging these projects. “Even if we are for­mally orga­nized into two divi­sions, we work closely together and are always moving in the same direc­tion,” points out Havenstein. 

“Under­standing our cus­tomers’ needs is impor­tant to us and – as has always been our phi­los­ophy – the per­sonal con­tact.” Hein­rich Haven­stein, Man­aging Director Production

Quality has to be right

The com­pany invests a lot of time and money in the devel­op­ment of the nec­es­sary resources. Our rep­re­sen­ta­tive will always make sure that every ques­tion will be answered,” explains Heslop. Exten­sive training mea­sures also pro­vide the ser­vice team with optimum tech­nical knowl­edge to be able to com­mu­ni­cate and respond quickly.

“Inter­na­tion­ally, we need per­sonnel close to our cus­tomers’ loca­tion. This requires that we first bring their knowl­edge up to par with the high quality level of Harro ­Höfliger,” empha­sizes Haven­stein. There­fore, appli­cants receive training in the Pro­duc­tion area in Allmers­bach, while taking sem­i­nars offered by the Chamber of Industry and Com­merce (IHK). The tech­ni­cians work in the assembly area for at least six months before starting their work abroad. This prac­tical training pro­gram on the Harro Höfliger equip­ment is manda­tory for all appli­cants. “Even expe­ri­enced ser­vice tech­ni­cians receive this in-depth training on our machines and get to know our cor­po­rate cul­ture,” Jackson Heslop explains this thoroughness.

With the 3D spare parts cat­alog on the Excel­lence United Ser­vice Portal, searching for replace­ment parts for highly com­plex machines is quite simple. The Ser­vice Portal offers addi­tional ser­vice func­tions, which Jackson Heslop explains on a tablet.

A look to the future

With addi­tional team mem­bers, Heslop would like to con­tinue to achieve more flex­i­bility in the day-to-day busi­ness, but also offer new ser­vices. “We would like to play an even more active role in support­ing our cus­tomers.” During reg­ular ser­vice visits, the Cus­tomer Ser­vice team should not only con­duct main­te­nance and repair work, but also act in an ad­visory capacity upon request – for ­example, in the man­age­ment of a con­sign­ment inven­tory or in the stream­lining of processes. This is in line with the vision that Thomas Weller, CEO at Harro Höfliger, has for the Cus­tomer Ser­vice divi­sion: “Instead of just sup­plying machines, we would like to become a solu­tion provider. This includes taking an all-encom­passing look at our cus­tomers’ pro­duc­tion and pre­senting them with suit­able solu­tions at an early stage.”

Cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion as a benchmark

At Harro Höfliger, the por­tion of turnover gen­er­ated by ser­vices increases every year in rela­tion to total turnover. But that is not the focus for Weller, Haven­stein and Heslop. “We want to sup­port our cus­tomers and ensure that their sys­tems run reli­ably. For us cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion is the most impor­tant factor,” says Weller. And in order to ensure cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion, Jackson Heslop has a strategy roadmap which is cur­rently being imple­mented. One of the focus areas is pro­viding prompt assis­tance, which starts with order pro­cessing: “Every minute counts when ordering spare parts. This is one area where we are imple­menting solu­tions to make our processes even faster and more streamlined.”

If a ser­vice sup­port is required, the experts at Harro Höfliger have already taken pre­cau­tionary mea­sures and ­launched the Ser­vice Portal together with the partner com­pa­nies of Excel­lence United. This ser­vice can be used to remotely diag­nose and cor­rect many errors and to carry out maintenance
work without the need for a tech­ni­cian on site.

“Instead of just sup­plying machines, we would like to become a solu­tion provider. This includes taking an all-encom­passing look at our cus­tomers’ pro­duc­tion.”Thomas Weller, CEO

It is how­ever better, according to ­Jackson Heslop, to not let it come to fail­ures: “Many cus­tomer ser­vice chal­lenges are pre­dictable. We want to con­tin­u­ally look into the future in order to be pre­pared for the moment.” Cus­tomers already have access to a 3D spare parts cat­alog via the Ser­vice Portal. Each part is listed in a spare parts list, which is cre­ated indi­vid­u­ally for each machine. The list rates the expected wear, the prob­a­bility of unex­pected failure, and the resulting effects. “This is how we can clearly advise our cus­tomers which parts to stock for tac­tical rea­sons so that they can be replaced quickly. This also assists in plan­ning our ser­vice team to be avail­able to sup­port with pre­ven­tive main­te­nance activ­i­ties,” says Heslop.

Lis­tening instead of analyzing

Mun­dane cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion sur­veys do not come into ques­tion for Hein­rich Haven­stein or for Jackson Heslop. “We are always looking for a per­sonal dis­cus­sion. Check­lists and ques­tion­naires are not at all our thing. Under­standing our cus­tomers’ needs is impor­tant to us and – as has always been our phi­los­ophy – the per­sonal con­tact,” explains Haven­stein. Thomas Weller agrees: „We are solid part­ners for our cus­tomers throughout the entire life­cycle of a machine. We listen to them and take them seri­ously. This is how we not only manage to remain market leaders, but also remain per­son­able. This is impor­tant to us.” 

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Illus­tra­tion: Bernd Schif­fer­decker, Photos: Andreas Dalferth, Janine Kyofsky, Tom Philippi