„Pro­viding proximity“

Since May 2017, Harro Höfliger has been oper­ating a branch office in Sin­ga­pore. Simone Stoiber, Regional Mar­keting Director, and Zein Albahar, Regional Sales Director, explain the added value for customers.

Why did Harro Höfliger decide to estab­lish a branch office in South­east Asia?

Albahar: South­east Asia is one of the so-called “Pharmerging Mar­kets”, the emerging mar­kets for phar­ma­ceu­tical and med­ical prod­ucts. Coun­tries such as Indonesia, Malaysia or Thai­land are going through a phase of indus­tri­al­iza­tion. This is why the demand for machines is rising, also in phar­ma­ceu­tical and med­ical tech­nology. Workers used to pack med­i­cines by hand, but more and more fre­quently auto­mated car­toning machines are taking over this task, just to name one example. We want to be a part of this growth and are there­fore expanding our activ­i­ties in South­east Asia.

Stoiber: In the past, our col­leagues in Ger­many were respon­sible for this market, but due to the dis­tance and time dif­fer­ence, it took longer to respond to inquiries. Now we can look after our cus­tomers much more thor­oughly and quickly, both on the phone or directly on site. Cus­tomers are very rela­tion­ship-ori­ented here and appre­ciate us being close by for consultations.

Simone Stoiber and Zein Albahar sup­port our cus­tomers in South­east Asia.

Which tech­nolo­gies are in demand in the South­east Asian market?

Stoiber: Web con­verting machines are very pop­ular. They can be used to man­u­fac­ture tra­di­tional med­ical prod­ucts, such as heat therapy patches with herbal ingre­di­ents to relieve muscle ten­sion. Assembly and pack­aging tech­nolo­gies for insulin pen sys­tems are also in great demand, since dia­betes is on the rise in South­east Asia. Inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts such as the XStraw® are also very well received. In addi­tion to existing solu­tions, we also offer new ideas for niche applications.

Why did you choose Singapore?

Albahar: Sin­ga­pore has an ideal geo­graph­ical loca­tion. Our mar­kets are only one to three hours away by plane. In addi­tion, we work closely with col­leagues from our Excel­lence United part­ners Uhlmann and Fette Com­pacting, with whom we share an office. Together we can offer our cus­tomers com­plete turnkey solu­tions from a single source that cover all their needs; with blister machines from Uhlmann, tablet presses from Fette and cap­sule filling machines from us.

What are your goals for the future?

Stoiber: We would like to make Harro Höfliger even more pop­ular in this region, estab­lish new con­tacts and strengthen the existing ones. The next step is to imple­ment our on-site ser­vice in order to pro­vide optimum sup­port for cus­tomers in the area. Our col­leagues in the sales and ser­vice offices in India and China are set­ting an example for us to follow.

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Photos: Janine Kyofsky,