„This product is a real stroke of luck“

Some­times a good idea just ends up in a drawer. A pity, because every now and then there are real trea­sures among them. Just like the Delta Pouch, which Fritz Major, Head of Sales at Harro Höfliger, intro­duces in an interview.

What is this exciting “find” you have here?

Some years ago, the so-called Delta Pouch was devel­oped by one of our cus­tomers for the inno­v­a­tive pack­aging of powder for bev­er­ages or sauces and instant soups. We were com­mis­sioned with the design of the pro­to­type machine. Unfor­tu­nately, the product did not make it to the top of their internal inno­va­tion list and lit­er­ally dis­ap­peared into a drawer

And now it reappeared?

Exactly. It is a pity when a good idea is not pur­sued at this stage. The entire basic devel­op­ment is com­plete, and mar­keting mea­sures can begin promptly. Mean­while, the product and design patents as well as the utility models have been released. We hold the patents for machine tech­nology. This is a real stroke of luck for someone who rec­og­nizes the poten­tial of the product and wants to make use of it.

What poten­tial is there?

Com­pared to square or stick pack­aging, the pouch offers a better film volume ratio, meaning more product with less mate­rial con­sump­tion. This is because the indi­vidual pack­ages are filled “bottom-up”, and held at an angle, which means that a higher fill level can be achieved. Due to the small cross-sec­tion at the opening aid, the con­tents are also easier to dose or dispense.

And from a purely visual perspective?

The pack­aging is unique. Folded into a square, this results in stacks that are con­ve­nient to pack. Due to the inte­grated tear-off edges, the tri­an­gular pouches can also be sold indi­vid­u­ally. This is impor­tant for devel­oping coun­tries where single-item sale is common. In the small shops the hanging “Delta- Pouch-gar­land” is a nice way to dis­play a product.

„The entire basic devel­op­ment for the Delta Pouch is com­plete.“ Fritz Major, Head of Sales at Harro Höfliger

Which con­tents could you imagine for the Delta Pouch?

At present, the format is dimen­sioned for a fill quan­tity of about seven grams. The­o­ret­i­cally, any pow­dered product can be filled, for example, from the fields of nutri­tion, cura­tive nutri­tion or per­haps pro­tein for athletes.

Is there any room for vari­a­tion in filling quan­tity and pack-
age size?

To a cer­tain extent, we are flex­ible in both cases without major need for mod­i­fi­ca­tions. How­ever, the fill media has to be powder.

If I have a good uti­liza­tion idea, can I con­tact you?

We would love to hear from you. As with all our machine con­cepts, we can easily transfer the con­cept of the pro­to­type into a high-per­for­mance machine for series production.

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Photos: Janine Kyofsky