Edi­to­rial: “Courage to go new ways“

Dear Readers, dear Busi­ness Asso­ciates, when devel­oping machines and processes for our cus­tomers’ prod­ucts, risk min­i­miza­tion is our top pri­ority. But when it comes to ques­tioning the familiar and exploring new hori­zons, we do not shy away from the risk. Whether it is the opti­miza­tion of prod­ucts, devices and processes, or the devel­op­ment of brand-new […]

Dear Readers,
dear Busi­ness Associates,

when devel­oping machines and processes for our cus­tomers’ prod­ucts, risk min­i­miza­tion is our top pri­ority. But when it comes to ques­tioning the familiar and exploring new hori­zons, we do not shy away from the risk. Whether it is the opti­miza­tion of prod­ucts, devices and processes, or the devel­op­ment of brand-new tech­nolo­gies: Our experts are clearly at the forefront.

For years, for instance, world­wide research has been con­ducted on how vac­ci­na­tion cam­paigns in devel­oping coun­tries can be sim­pli­fied. Microneedle patches could be a key to the solu­tion, according to the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion (WHO). ­As an example, we are cur­rently working with the start-up com­pany VAXXAS to pave the way for this future tech­nology to reach afford­able large-scale production.

Good is not good enough – that is what spurs on our spe­cial­ists in Engi­neering & Inno­va­tion Ser­vices. With the help of an inno­v­a­tive method for water sealing, they have not only suc­ceeded in tightly joining water-sol­uble films. They have suc­ceeded in opti­mizing imper­me­ability and improving the safety of the packages.

We also look for ways to make the man­u­fac­turing process for your product safer and more scal­able: With the expan­sion of our clean­rooms for trials, ver­i­fi­ca­tion and process cre­ation, we reduce risks. The enlarge­ment of our lab­o­ra­tory space allows us to assist you as early as the for­mu­la­tion devel­op­ment phase. Using state-of-the-art equip­ment and high-level safety stan­dards, we man­i­fest our holistic “From Lab to Pro­duc­tion” approach.

About 20 years ago we were the first machine man­u­fac­turer with in-house clean­rooms. This invest­ment risk paid off a long time ago, and it will pay off this time: With added safety for our employees, better ver­i­fi­ca­tion of process para­me­ters, and with your con­fi­dence in our tech­nology and expertise.

Thomas Weller,
CEO at Harro Höfliger

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Photo: Tom Philippi