The way to the per­fect powder

The first phar­ma­ceu­tical devel­op­ment for a cap­sule-based inhaler was a real chal­lenge for Harro Höfliger‘s Pharma Ser­vices team. But the new options in the ana­lyt­ical lab­o­ra­tory paved the way for the per­fect powder.

Suddenly there is no air to breathe, the chest feels tight and aches, ago­nizing coughs shake the body – asthma sprays help to pre­vent such episodes. Soon, patients shall be able to ben­efit from a new drug: An inhaler that treats symp­toms with a com­bi­na­tion of two active phar­ma­ceu­tical sub­stances (APIs). The generic drug is cur­rently being devel­oped by a phar­ma­ceu­tical com­pany together with Harro Höfliger.

“The orig­inal product is a blister inhaler in which the two APIs are stored sep­a­rately,“ says Dr. Elke Stern­berger-Rützel, Divi­sion Leader of Pharma Ser­vices at Harro Höfliger. “For the generic drug, the cus­tomer had a spe­cial request: a cap­sule-based inhaler in which both APIs are com­bined in one powder.”

Pro­tect the active substance

Not an easy task for the team, which now has to imple­ment the first project in the field of inhala­tion powder devel­op­ment. Under no cir­cum­stances must the two APIs react with each other. “We had to pro­tect one sub­stance from the other, to pre­vent them from degra­da­tion,“ explains Dr. Stern­berger-Rützel. How exactly this works was explored by the experts from Pharma Ser­vices in the new, state-of-the-art laboratory.

Mixing, filling, analysing

First, they selected the right lac­tose qual­i­ties for the powder mix­ture. This is impor­tant in order to enable dilu­tion of the APIs in small dosages so that filling is pos­sible, and to ensure that the patient feels an effect during inhala­tion. Since one of the APIs is degra­dated when get­ting into direct con­tact with lac­tose, the lubri­cant mag­ne­sium stearate was added to the blend. Mixing exper­i­ments then fol­lowed. This resulted in eight mix­tures per API, which the experts filled and tested in the lab­o­ra­tory. In order to assess the quality of the pow­ders, lab­o­ra­tory man­ager Karin Marek devel­oped a six-step analysis.

Six steps for a per­fect result

1 Flowability: 
Can this powder be used in the filling process?

First of all, the lab co-workers examine the powder‘s behav­iour. Does it flow well or poorly? Can it be easily filled into capsules?

2 Water con­tact angle: 
Is the lac­tose coated with mag­ne­sium stearate?

Then they test whether the amount of mag­ne­sium stearate added to the lac­tose and the blending quality is cor­rect. For this pur­pose, Harro Höfliger devel­oped an in-house method: The researchers put a drop of water on the sur­face of the lac­tose. If it remains on the sur­face, the blend is correct.

3 Blend uniformity: 
Is the API uni­formly dis­trib­uted in the total mixture?

In order to check whether the two APIs are uni­formly dis­trib­uted throughout the mix­ture, the experts take sam­ples and mea­sure the con­cen­tra­tion of the active ingre­dient. If the blend is not homo­ge­neous, the blending para­me­ters must be adapted in the next test.

4 Con­tent uniformity: 
Does the cap­sule con­tain the cor­rect amount of active ingredient?

If the blend in the total quan­tity is cor­rect, the con­cen­tra­tion in the indi­vidual cap­sules has to be ver­i­fied. 25 micro­grams of API 1 and 200 micro­grams of API 2 should be con­tained in each of the exam­ined cap­sules. By deter­mining the con­cen­tra­tion, it is pos­sible to assess the quality of the filling process.

5 Emitted dose: 
How much API is released from the inhaler?

The next step is to check whether enough API is sup­plied to the patient. For this pur­pose the Harro Höfliger team uses a so-called “Dosage Unit Sam­pling Appa­ratus“ (DUSA). The device gen­er­ates neg­a­tive pres­sure, thus sim­u­lating a patient‘s inhala­tion. What DUSA “breathes in“, is flushed into a solu­tion. A high-pres­sure liquid chro­mato­graph (HPLC) deter­mines the API level con­tained in the solu­tion. “Some of the API always sticks to the cap­sule,“ explains Karin Marek. If the emitted quan­tity is not suf­fi­cient, either more API must be added to the cap­sule or the for­mu­la­tion needs to be adapted.

6 Deter­mi­na­tion of aero­dy­namic par­ticle size: Does the cor­rect amount reach the alveoli?

Now the experts are mea­suring whether enough of the API is deliv­ered to the alveoli. To this pur­pose, the Next Gen­er­a­tion Impactor (NGI) is used – a kind of aero­dy­namic flow model of the lungs through which the par­ti­cles are sucked with the help of neg­a­tive pres­sure. Depending on their size, they come to rest in dif­ferent sec­tions of the model, cor­re­sponding to the bronchial tubes and alveoli. The lab tech­ni­cians ana­lyze how much of the API has set­tled, in which sec­tion. A cor­rect dis­tri­b­u­tion is pre­req­ui­site for a suc­cessful powder development.


Testing and adapting, again and again

Of course, the per­fect blend is not achieved in the first trial. Adjust­ments to the process are always nec­es­sary. Despite all chal­lenges, the team has made good progress within few months and the project is close to completion.

“This is one of the major advan­tages when machine man­u­fac­turers are involved in powder devel­op­ment right from the start,“ says Karin Marek. “Project time is vastly reduced when all par­ties involved are located under one roof. Together with our col­leagues from equip­ment devel­op­ment, the steps required for opti­miza­tion can be ini­ti­ated a lot faster.“ Dr. Stern­berger-Rützel agrees: “We focus on the inter­ac­tion between for­mu­la­tion, filling tech­nology and device from the very begin­ning. This is the key to suc­cess for our Pharma Services.“

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