Edi­to­rial: “All on one platform”

Dear Readers, dear Busi­ness Asso­ciates, all branches of the phar­ma­ceu­tical industry are inter­ested in iden­ti­fying, ana­lyzing and com­bating dis­eases as pur­pose­fully and effi­ciently as pos­sible. Exper­i­ments in var­ious med­ical dis­ci­plines are the respon­si­bility of phar­ma­cists and their device devel­opers. Ulti­mately, patients count on receiving med­ica­tion that can be taken with con­fi­dence and helps them. So […]

Dear Readers,
dear Busi­ness Associates,

all branches of the phar­ma­ceu­tical industry are inter­ested in iden­ti­fying, ana­lyzing and com­bating dis­eases as pur­pose­fully and effi­ciently as pos­sible. Exper­i­ments in var­ious med­ical dis­ci­plines are the respon­si­bility of phar­ma­cists and their device devel­opers. Ulti­mately, patients count on receiving med­ica­tion that can be taken with con­fi­dence and helps them. So why choose other approaches to such an impor­tant future-ori­ented topic as the dig­i­ti­za­tion of med­ica­tion and production?

At Harro Höfliger, we are con­vinced that dig­ital trans­for­ma­tion can only be suc­cessful if the con­cepts are specif­i­cally geared towards the med­ical phar­ma­ceu­tical market. One step in this direc­tion is the new, open soft­ware plat­form Pex­cite. It pools a large number of smart solu­tions from machine man­u­fac­turers, sup­pliers, phar­ma­cists and all those involved in the process under a common user interface.

This has the advan­tage that each of these solu­tions has been devel­oped by industry experts who know how to create real added value for cus­tomers. With our many years of exper­tise as a machine man­u­fac­turer and our knowl­edge of our cus­tomers’ require­ments, we have already launched a variety of solu­tions on Pex­cite. More are in the pipeline. In order to be able to react flex­ibly and quickly to the global dig­ital trans­for­ma­tion market, our soft­ware devel­op­ment processes have been restruc­tured completely.

The require­ments of the med­ical phar­ma­ceu­tical industry have always been extremely high: numerous reg­u­la­tions and guide­lines as well as flaw­less doc­u­men­ta­tion and data secu­rity are just some of the aspects that market par­tic­i­pants have to address. In addi­tion, machines are becoming increas­ingly com­plex and need to be main­tained – either as stand-alone sys­tems or within a line. 

This is why, together with our spe­cialist part­ners from the entire process chain, we are making every effort to make life easier for you, our cus­tomers. All impor­tant solu­tions avail­able on one common plat­form: This is the ideal oppor­tu­nity to over­come the chal­lenges of dig­i­ti­za­tion together.

Thomas Weller, 
CEO at Harro Höfliger

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Photo: Janine Kyofsky