“Leading in new directions”

Ven­turing into new ter­ri­tory. This is the goal pur­sued by many com­pa­nies in the phar­ma­ceu­tical and med­ical tech­nology sector in South America. Rodrigo Fer­nandes, Busi­ness Coor­di­nator in Brazil, explains how Harro Höfliger helps their cus­tomers with this under­taking. What char­ac­ter­izes the South Amer­ican market? We are cur­rently at a turning point in South America. Up […]

Ven­turing into new ter­ri­tory. This is the goal pur­sued by many com­pa­nies in the phar­ma­ceu­tical and med­ical tech­nology sector in South America. Rodrigo Fer­nandes, Busi­ness Coor­di­nator in Brazil, explains how Harro Höfliger helps their cus­tomers with this undertaking.

What char­ac­ter­izes the South Amer­ican market?

Since 2018 Rodrigo Fer­nandes has been working as a Busi­ness Coor­di­nator for Harro Höfliger. His respon­si­bil­i­ties include sales, project man­age­ment and cus­tomer ser­vice support.

We are cur­rently at a turning point in South America. Up to now, our cus­tomers have mainly pro­duced generic drugs. But the market for phar­ma­ceu­tical and med­ical tech­nology prod­ucts is growing, and inno­va­tions and new tech­nolo­gies are in great demand. Many com­pa­nies are trying to be pio­neers for new dosage forms, such as modern insulin pens, inhalers or niche prod­ucts, which are imported to Latam but are not yet pro­duced in the region. The required know-how and pro­duc­tion equip­ment is typ­i­cally avail­able in Europe and thus many of my cus­tomers are approaching Harro Höfliger.

How does Harro Höfliger sup­port their customers?

Our cus­tomers want to develop new prod­ucts or intro­duce new tech­nolo­gies. But they often do not have the nec­es­sary know-­how. That is why we pro­vide sup­port and advice throughout the entire process and show them pos­sible approaches. We share our knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence relating to the whole product life­cycle to help cus­tomers reach their goals. We not only offer them machines, but also a wide range of ser­vices, including sup­port in for­mu­la­tion development.

“We not only offer our cus­tomers machines, but also a wide range of ser­vices, including sup­port in for­mu­la­tion devel­op­ment.“Rodrigo Fer­nandes, Busi­ness Coordinator

Which tech­nolo­gies are in par­tic­ular demand in Brazil?

Trans­dermal patches, cap­sule filling and the automa­tion of assembly processes for pens and autoin­jec­tors are par­tic­u­larly pop­ular tech­nolo­gies. Auto­mated processes are an absolute pre­req­ui­site, because the market demands the pro­duc­tion of large quan­ti­ties. Many cus­tomers there­fore focus on Industry 4.0 appli­ca­tions. Being able to track pro­duc­tion line data in real time in a cloud offers them many oppor­tu­ni­ties when it comes to min­i­mizing down­times and mate­rial waste. I see great poten­tial for the future here.

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Photo: Ianovska