Inno­v­a­tive trans­port system

For their assembly plat­form MOT Flex, Harro Höfliger banks on an inno­v­a­tive, highly flex­ible trans­port system. Trans­port from sta­tion to sta­tion is car­ried out via indi­vidual shut­tles, pow­ered by mag­netic linear drives. This approach allows to vary trans­port speed as well as accel­er­a­tion between process sta­tions. Hence, it is pos­sible to accu­mu­late mul­tiple shut­tles for […]

For their assembly plat­form MOT Flex, Harro Höfliger banks on an inno­v­a­tive, highly flex­ible trans­port system. Trans­port from sta­tion to sta­tion is car­ried out via indi­vidual shut­tles, pow­ered by mag­netic linear drives. This approach allows to vary trans­port speed as well as accel­er­a­tion between process sta­tions. Hence, it is pos­sible to accu­mu­late mul­tiple shut­tles for time con­suming processes, while less com­plex tasks such as pres­ence checks can be exe­cuted simultaneously.

Another advan­tage is that tray loaders and pal­letizers for product feeding can be con­nected directly to the system without using pucks. By working closely with a wide range of devel­op­ment teams, the new trans­port system was adapted to the needs of the med­ical and phar­ma­ceu­tical indus­tries and inte­grated into the machine plat­form MOT in a very short time.

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