“Scan­di­navia is set­ting trends“

One of the first inter­na­tional mar­kets served by Harro Höfliger was Scan­di­navia. Mikael Blom­gren, Area Sales Man­ager Scan­di­navia, tells us how this came about and what the future holds in store.

What were the begin­nings of Harro Höfliger in Scandinavia?

It all began in the late 1970s. Ulf Engström was selling machines for the food industry in Scandi­navia on his own when he met a cus­tomer who was in need of a filling machine that did not exist on the market yet. So Engström con­tacted Harro Höfliger who helped him with this dif­fi­cult task. We ­received our first order from the med­ical sector in the mid-1980s. The first step into this new busi­ness area for Harro ­Höfliger back then was a car­tridge ­assembly and sealing machine for a Nicorette inhaler.

How is the branch office set up today?

Today, we are based at Uhlmann Nor­diska near Gothen­burg, where ten employees work for Excel­lence United, more specif­i­cally for the com­pa­nies Bausch + Ströbel, Glatt, Harro Höfliger and Uhlmann. As Area Sales Man­ager, I work exclu­sively for Harro Höfliger and serve the mar­kets in Sweden, Den­mark, Norway, Ice­land and the Baltic states. Cus­tomers appre­ciate the syn­er­gies and ben­e­fits that the group of com­pa­nies provide.

“With our Pharma Ser­vices, we sup­port our cus­tomers at a very early devel­op­ment stage.“Mikael Blom­gren, Area Sales Man­ager Skandinavia

Which market trends do you see for the future?

Scan­di­navia has always been set­ting trends in the phar­ma­ceu­tical market. There are many large, leading com­pa­nies pro­ducing for the world market and working on product inno­va­tions. They need new, auto­mated processes – and we can help. With our Pharma Ser­vices, we sup­port our cus­tomers at a very early devel­op­ment stage. I believe that many more inno­va­tions will come from Scan­di­navia; for example body-scan sen­sors or intel­li­gent auto-injec­tors, and I look for­ward to my work in this area.

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Photos: aruedom/, Andreas Dalferth, Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG, Uhlmann Pac-Sys­teme GmbH & Co. KG