
Dear Readers, dear Busi­ness Asso­ciates, in addi­tion to the con­tin­uing evo­lu­tion of our tech­nology, the demands for more enhanced ser­vices is also a growing trend and focus at Harro Höfliger. There­fore, great impor­tance is given to expanding our range of ser­vices to meet your needs and to adapt our ser­vices to the life cycle of […]

Dear Readers,
dear Busi­ness Associates,

in addi­tion to the con­tin­uing evo­lu­tion of our tech­nology, the demands for more enhanced ser­vices is also a growing trend and focus at Harro Höfliger. There­fore, great impor­tance is given to expanding our range of ser­vices to meet your needs and to adapt our ser­vices to the life cycle of your product.

Since mid-2017 our ser­vice units Pharma Ser­vices, Engi­neering & Inno­va­tion Ser­vices, Device Ser­vices and Val­i­da­tion Ser­vices have been working under the common umbrella of Process Ser­vices, which are directly linked to the Exec­u­tive Man­age­ment. This is how we ensure con­ti­nuity to the oper­a­tions and pro­ce­dures within your com­pany. It is the pre­req­ui­site for under­standing, trans­fer­ring and imple­menting your processes in a tar­geted manner.

This example of Device Ser­vices shows how new ser­vice offer­ings are devel­oping at our com­pany. The process-related adap­ta­tion of cus­tomer devices has always been part of our con­sulting ser­vices. The expe­ri­ence gath­ered from count­less cus­tomer projects in addi­tion to our own devel­op­ments, such as the XStraw®, an oral admin­is­tra­tion device in straw format, form the basis of our growing exper­tise. Dis­cus­sions with cus­tomers repeat­edly con­firm that this know-how is an impor­tant factor in min­i­mizing their risks. There­fore, at our cus­tomers’ ­request, we now include devices to an even larger extent in the overall devel­op­ment process. To put it simply, we imple­ment and/or opti­mize your ideas.

Active ingre­dient, device and indus­trial man­u­fac­turing options undergo per­fectly coor­di­nated opti­miza­tion processes until they are tested on trial machines. Up-scal­able, of course! This means that the path to series pro­duc­tion is always open for you. No stum­bling blocks, no risk. We look for­ward to accom­pa­nying you. 

Thomas Weller,
CEO at Harro Höfliger

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Photo: Janine Kyofsky