Eco-Design Award for re-usable Respimat®

The Respimat® re-usable inhaler by Boehringer Ingel­heim has won the Eco-Design Award at the Pharma­pack 2020 in Paris. With this award, the jury hon­ored the re-usable ver­sion of the estab­lished Respimat® inhala­tion device for its envi­ron­mental com­pat­i­bility. Now that mul­tiple filling with an active ingre­dient car­tridge is pos­sible, according to the com­pany, around 776 tons […]

The Respimat® re-usable inhaler by Boehringer Ingel­heim has won the Eco-Design Award at the Pharma­pack 2020 in Paris. With this award, the jury hon­ored the re-usable ver­sion of the estab­lished Respimat® inhala­tion device for its envi­ron­mental com­pat­i­bility. Now that mul­tiple filling with an active ingre­dient car­tridge is pos­sible, according to the com­pany, around 776 tons of plastic could be saved by 2025 and the carbon foot­print could be sig­nif­i­cantly reduced.

The his­tory of the Respimat® is closely linked with Harro Höfliger. First project studies already began in 1997. In the fol­lowing years, the machine man­u­fac­turer sup­plied tech­nology for pre-assembly, spray jet and func­tion con­trol as well as for the final assembly of the inhaler and of the active ingre­dient car­tridge. The pro­duc­tion sys­tems for the re-usable inhaler and its car­tridge were also devel­oped in close coop­er­a­tion between Boehringer Ingel­heim and Harro Höfliger.

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Photo: Boehringer Ingel­heim microParts GmbH