Coop­er­a­tion for pMD inhalers

Pres­sur­ized metered dose inhalers (pMDI) play an essen­tial role in the treat­ment of var­ious res­pi­ra­tory dis­eases. They con­tain active ingre­dient and pro­pel­lant; when the device is actu­ated, an inhal­able aerosol is released. Together with Koura, a leading man­u­fac­turer of med­ical pro­pel­lants, and the pMDI expert Phar­matec Solu­tions, Harro Höfliger is working on a spe­cial dosing […]

Pres­sur­ized metered dose inhalers (pMDI) play an essen­tial role in the treat­ment of var­ious res­pi­ra­tory dis­eases. They con­tain active ingre­dient and pro­pel­lant; when the device is actu­ated, an inhal­able aerosol is released.

Together with Koura, a leading man­u­fac­turer of med­ical pro­pel­lants, and the pMDI expert Phar­matec Solu­tions, Harro Höfliger is working on a spe­cial dosing tech­nology. In this two-stage filling process, the con­tainer is first filled with the solid active ingre­dient and only in the second stage with the pro­pel­lant. This enables exact dosing of API and facil­i­tates the use of new, more ­cli­mate-friendly pro­pel­lants. The main focus of the col­lab­o­ra­tion is on joint proof-of-con­cept trials, with par­tic­ular emphasis on process sim­pli­fi­ca­tion and scalability.

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