New man­aging directors

In April 2023, Harro Höfliger’s Super­vi­sory Board has appointed Alexander Herb (on the left) as the new Chief F­inancial ­Officer (CFO). He suc­ceeds Turgay ­Gün­gormus. With effect from April also, Thomas Heckner (on the right) com­ple­ments the man­age­ment team around CEO Thomas Weller in the newly cre­ated posi­tion of Chief ­Oper­ating Officer (COO). Heckner will […]

In April 2023, Harro Höfliger’s Super­vi­sory Board has appointed Alexander Herb (on the left) as the new Chief F­inancial ­Officer (CFO). He suc­ceeds Turgay ­Gün­gormus. With effect from April also, Thomas Heckner (on the right) com­ple­ments the man­age­ment team around CEO Thomas Weller in the newly cre­ated posi­tion of Chief ­Oper­ating Officer (COO). Heckner will suc­ces­sively be taking over the res­ponsibilities of Hein­rich Haven­stein, Man­aging Director Pro­duc­tion, who will leave the com­pany in fall 2024. 

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Photo: Tom Philippi