Drugs with bacteria

On the ther­a­peutic poten­tial of single-cell organisms

Tril­lions of bac­teria live in every human body. Many of these strains are cru­cial to our health and vitality. For example, bac­teria in our gut sup­port diges­tion, strengthen the immune system and pro­duce metabo­lites essen­tial for human health. US com­pany Seres Ther­a­peu­tics has just launched a new, oral micro­biome drug, VOWST™, that delivers healthy bac­teria to treat patients with recur­rent Clostridium dif­fi­cile infec­tions. Here you can read more about this new product and the col­lab­o­ra­tion with Harro Höfliger.

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