New dig­ital platform

PYNR develops dig­ital solu­tions pre­cisely tai­lored to the demands of phar­ma­ceu­tical pro­duc­tion. Falk Pfitzer, Senior Sales Man­ager of Harro Höfliger’s cor­po­rate startup, offers insights into the new soft­ware platform.

How did the idea for the new plat­form emerge?

In mul­tiple dis­cus­sions with cus­tomers, we iden­ti­fied a great need for dig­i­ti­za­tion directly at the machine in phar­ma­ceu­tical pro­duc­tion. And this is pre­cisely ­where our new plat­form comes in: on the shop floor, where the data arises. “Tap­ping the source” enables rapid ­response to events in real time, among other things. This way the plat­form helps ana­lyze machine data, detect prob­lems early on, pro­vide guid­ance as a dig­ital assis­tant, and much more besides. In a nut­shell: It improves machine han­dling and boosts effi­ciency. The apps are usable on all internet-capable devices, even with smart glasses.

How is the system structured?

The linchpin is our app man­ager. It offers pre-installed tools like the audit trail, which com­pletely doc­u­ments changes to data. What’s more: You can extend the man­ager to include indi­vidual func­tions and orga­nize it according to your own needs. Another highly indi­vidual fea­ture is the inte­grated user man­age­ment. A machine oper­ator, for instance, is often inter­ested in dif­ferent data than the pro­duc­tion man­ager. The plat­form con­tains infor­ma­tion indi­vid­u­ally tai­lored to each of them. We con­nect cus­tomer sys­tems for user man­age­ment via an interface.

What is a spe­cific use case?

“Guided trou­bleshooting” pro­vides oper­a­tors with step-by-step instruc­tions, enabling them to cor­rect errors. This reduces down­times and con­serves resources. Such real-time responses on the machines also reduce scrap, which ben­e­fits the environment. 
A guided approach is not only suit­able for trou­bleshooting, how­ever – cus­tomers can also use it for effi­cient format changing and for machine main­te­nance, as exam­ples. Our plat­form per­fectly com­ple­ments our Cus­tomer Ser­vice applications.

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