Edi­to­rial: “Hand in hand for inno­v­a­tive therapies”

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Dear Readers,
dear Busi­ness Associates,

In this mag­a­zine, we dive into the exciting world of research and many more topics. The oppor­tu­ni­ties that the latest sci­en­tific dis­coveries and the field of biotech­nology open up for treating patients are enor­mous. This, for instance, involves per­son­al­ized cell and gene ther­a­pies. They are set to rev­o­lu­tionize med­i­cine, as they offer huge poten­tial for serious dis­eases that were largely deemed incur­able until now. The tar­geted use of living microor­gan­isms in drugs can also con­tribute to aiding people in their recovery.

The devel­op­ment of process com­pe­ten­cies for han­dling, dosing and pack­aging of sen­si­tive prod­ucts must go hand in hand with the devel­op­ment of inno­v­a­tive ther­a­pies. We are well posi­tioned for this at Harro Höfliger. Numerous suc­cessful projects over many years have given us the exper­tise to develop aseptic processes and suit­able high-tech solu­tions that are nec­es­sary, for example, in filling aseptic bags.

But we also set the bar high when it comes to our own capacity for inno­va­tion in other areas: Be it the soft­ware plat­form for phar­ma­ceu­tical pro­duc­tion devel­oped by PYNR – our cor­po­rate startup – or a spe­cial forming process for pro­ducing water-sol­uble pouches.

But read for your­self. And enjoy it.

Thomas Weller, 
CEO at Harro Höfliger

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