Solid rela­tion­ship

Tu Yon­grui, CEO of the Chi­nese phar­ma­ceu­tical com­pany Changzhou Siyao, made the first con­tact with Harro Höfliger in 2002 at a sym­po­sium about new admin­is­tra­tion forms. Since then, they have had a trusting busi­ness relationship.

The phar­ma­ceu­tical and med­ical industry con­tributes about 900 bil­lion euros to the gross domestic product of the People’s Republic of China. This cor­re­sponds to about 8.5 per­cent. Tu Yon­grui, CEO of Changzhou Siyao, is proud of the impor­tant role the com­pany plays in this market. 

Facil­i­tating access

Changzhou Siyao sup­ports global enter­prises in the devel­op­ment and intro­duc­tion of their phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and health prod­ucts to the Chi­nese market. “We spe­cialize in the pro­duc­tion of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals in new dosage forms and var­ious med­ical fields,” explains Tu Yon­grui. Siyao’s exten­sive product port­folio includes, among other things, orally dis­solving film strips (ODF), the great clin­ical ben­efit of which is empha­sized by the Man­aging Director: “ODFs are supe­rior to other dosage forms in many ways, including their ease of use and the quick release and dis­persal of the active ingredient.”

Tu Yon­grui, CEO of Changzhou Siyao

Tu Yon­grui regards the market oppor­tu­ni­ties of this admin­is­tra­tion form as very attrac­tive: “Par­tic­u­larly in pedi­atrics and geri­atrics, we see a huge poten­tial for easy-to-admin­ister drugs.” Like all indus­tri­al­ized coun­tries, China is also expe­ri­encing demo­graphic change. In the case of the People’s Republic with their 1.39 bil­lion people, how­ever, the pop­u­la­tion pro­por­tions reach enor­mous dimen­sions: While today some 220 mil­lion Chi­nese are elderly, the number will rise to 480 mil­lion by 2050. The pro­por­tion of chil­dren in 2017 was 300 million.

Exten­sive fields of application

While they admin­ister drugs in a well-tol­er­ated manner, ODFs not only facil­i­tate the life of chil­dren and the elderly: “We are con­tin­u­ously working to develop new prod­ucts for the treat­ment of chronic dis­eases such as asthma and aller­gies, as well as car­dio­vas­cular, diges­tive or mental dis­eases,” says Tu Yongrui.

“Par­tic­u­larly in pedi­atrics and geri­atrics, we see a huge poten­tial for easy-to-admin­ister drugs.”Tu Yon­grui, CEO of Changzhou Siyao

Siyao is also active in other fields. For example, Harro Höfliger has deliv­ered a wide variety of process solu­tions to Changzhou. In addi­tion to web pro­cessing lines used for ODF pro­duc­tion or trans­dermal patches, the Chi­nese com­pany also pur­chased machines for cap­sule filling. 

In the future, the com­pany would like to devote even more atten­tion to the health­care seg­ment and appre­ci­ates having a “ver­sa­tile partner such as Harro Höfliger” at their side who “always addresses cus­tomer product requirements”.

About Changzhou Siyao

Changzhou Siyao Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals Co. Ltd. with head­quar­ters in Changzhou, north­west of Shanghai, is among the Top 100 Chi­nese phar­ma­ceu­tical enter­prises. Their core busi­ness areas are the devel­op­ment, pro­duc­tion and mar­keting of ready-to-use dosage forms in var­ious fields of appli­ca­tion. Siyao is approved and cer­ti­fied by the Amer­ican FDA and the Chi­nese CEP as well as the Japanese Health Min­istry. With 500 employees, Changzhou Siyao gen­er­ated a turnover of about 330 mil­lion euros in 2017.

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Photos:, Changzhou Siyao