Ser­vice – any­time and anywhere

Cus­tomer Ser­vice accom­pa­nies the cus­tomer throughout the entire machine life cycle. The team con­sults and assists during pro­duc­tion start-up, trains users and tech­ni­cians on site and stands ready to pro­vide world­wide ser­vice should a mal­func­tion occur. For years after instal­la­tion, ser­vice employees are still direct con­tacts when it comes to main­te­nance, spare parts or machine modifications.

World­wide Service

Luise Räuchle,
Product Man­ager

“Cus­tomer Ser­vice at Harro ­Höfliger sup­ports our cus­tomers all over the world – online, by phone and of ­course per­son­ally on site. Each cus­tomer is dif­ferent and every project has spe­cific require­ments. This is why it is impor­tant for us that every cus­tomer has access to a per­sonal con­tact person who pro­vides sup­port over a long period of time.

These employees are assisted by spe­cial­ized teams within our orga­ni­za­tion who are in charge of their respec­tive ser­vice prod­ucts. As a part of our dig­i­ti­za­tion efforts, we are working on smart solu­tions to make our machines and the asso­ci­ated ser­vices as effi­cient as possible.”


Hergen Wersch,
Team Leader Cus­tomer Training

“At Harro Höfliger almost every machine is unique. Con­se­quently, training courses are tai­lored to cus­tomer require­ments. Tech­nical edi­tors com­pile indi­vidual training doc­u­ments for each machine. The instructor is always a tech­ni­cian from the team who built the machine. 

Our training courses focus on the safe han­dling of the machine and the min­i­miza­tion of oper­ating errors. This is how we ensure reli­able pro­duc­tion. On request, we can also share expert knowl­edge on inte­grated devices such as cam­eras, laser tech­nology, robots or sensors.

Depending on the infor­ma­tion require­ments of your com­pany, we offer dif­ferent training levels, from oper­ator training and tech­ni­cian and main­te­nance training to training for elec­tri­cians. Training courses take place pri­marily at your loca­tion. Upon request, we would also be happy to arrange for instruc­tion at our facilities.”

Remote main­te­nance

Fabian Schoene,
Tech­nical Cus­tomer Support

“We find that more than 80 per­cent of ser­vice requests can be solved by remote main­te­nance. Our team responds within three hours and offers 24/7 sup­port if needed. In most cases, we can solve soft­ware prob­lems and iden­tify mechan­ical mal­func­tions immediately.

If spare parts are needed, we will inform the appro­priate col­leagues within our orga­ni­za­tion directly. Remote main­te­nance prefer­ably takes place via the Excel­lence United portal, which enables a secure port-to-port con­nec­tion. The con­nec­tion for machine access is only estab­lished after a ser­vice request has been ini­ti­ated by our cus­tomer. Ini­ti­a­tion of external access from our side is not possible.”

Spare parts

Gül­dane Gedik,
Ser­vice Administrator

“Our top pri­ority is to guar­antee the pro­duc­tion reli­a­bility of our cus­tomers’ sys­tems and to pre­vent machine down­time. The ini­tial equip­ment package that we com­pile for each machine gives cus­tomers an overview of which spare parts they should have on hand. Cus­tomers can stock the spare parts pack­ages and have imme­diate access if required.

With each machine we supply a 3D spare parts cat­a­logue, enabling the rapid iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and ordering of parts. Depending on the urgency, the parts are deliv­ered by express or courier ser­vice. Of course, we can also assist with iden­ti­fying parts using a photo or description.”


Man­fred Wegner,
Tech­nical Specialist

“In order to ensure trouble-free oper­a­tion of a machine and to keep main­te­nance costs low, reg­ular inspec­tions and main­te­nance are required. On request, we will develop an indi­vidual main­te­nance con­cept for each machine. Our main­te­nance schedule is based on a FMECA-risk analysis, in which we eval­uate the ser­vice life of each wear part.

With this data, main­te­nance inter­vals can be pre­cisely defined and even the dura­tion of a main­te­nance task planned in advance can be antic­i­pated. Our eval­u­a­tion and close cus­tomer con­tact make sure that only those parts that are actu­ally worn are replaced. The analysis also forms the basis for the spare parts package with rec­om­men­da­tions for stocking of spare parts at the customer’s site.”

Machine mod­i­fi­ca­tions

Steffen Nitsch,
Team Leader Engineering

“In order to main­tain machine per­for­mance over the entire machine life cycle and to adapt it to changing require­ments, mod­i­fi­ca­tions may become nec­es­sary over time. New market demands, such as seri­al­iza­tion, require the retro­fitting of camera sys­tems or coding methods. Cus­tomer-driven con­ver­sions range from simple part mod­i­fi­ca­tions for process improve­ment, format adjust­ments in case of product changeovers, to the con­ver­sion of com­plete stations.

In the years to come, we will expand our design team so that these tasks can be han­dled directly in the Cus­tomer Ser­vice depart­ment. During the course of the machine life cycle, com­po­nents are often dis­con­tinued. If this occurs, it is our respon­si­bility to iden­tify the spare parts which are to be either replaced 1:1, or ensure the con­tinued oper­a­tion of the machine by sup­plying a con­ver­sion kit.”

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